Increase your Sports Performance with Applied Kiniesiology
By Dr. David Brown
Whether you are an elite athlete or a weekend warrior, you’d be amazed at how beneficial Applied Kiniesiology can be to increase your sports performance. If you are recovering from an injury, suffer from multiple repetitive injuries, or just want to function at your peak performance, you should consider coming to NDAMC for an Applied Kiniesiology evaluation and treatment.
What is Applied Kiniesiology?
Applied Kinesiology (AK) is a system that evaluates structural, chemical and mental aspects of health using manual muscle testing combined with other standard methods of diagnosis. AK is a non-invasive system of evaluating body function that is unique in the healing arts because it allows the doctor to not only determine the underlying cause of a health condition, but to determine the best coarse of treatment as well. It utilizes manual muscle testing as a functional neurological diagnostic tool to evaluate body function through the dynamics of the musculoskeletal system. Treatments may involve specific joint manipulation or mobilization, various myofascial therapies, cranial techniques, stimulation of meridian and acupuncture points, clinical nutrition, dietary management, life-style counseling, evaluating environmental irritants and various reflex procedures.
How can it help my athletic performance?
Muscles provide the primary stability for joints. When a muscle is neurologically inhibited or tests “weak” on a manual muscle test, the joint becomes more prone to injury when placed under normal stresses of athletic performance. All muscles should be neurologically facilitated or “strong” when tested in a neutral position. Often times this is not the case. For optimal athletic performance, it is also essential that the muscles are able to turn on and off in a coordinated fashion. AK allows evaluation of the function of individual muscles, determination as to why it’s not functioning correctly, and application of targeted therapies to correct the underlying dysfunction.
The proof is in the pudding.
Over the years, I have successfully treated a number of athletes from young gymnasts to college and professional football players. Many rave about the results they saw after being treated with AK. Just listen to this one mom’s account.
“My 9 year old daughter is a Level 4 competitive gymnast, who despite her ridiculously strong physique, has always struggled on the vault apparatus. It was obvious over the last four years that balance and precision came very naturally to her, but anything that involved running or jumping seemed to not. In fact, as she progressed and the tumbling and vault skills got harder and harder, she began to deal with multiple injuries. First, it was her heels, then her ankles, next her knees. The poor girl never seemed to catch a break! I finally wised up and thought to bring her in to Dr. Brown to see if he could help figure out the issue. Imagine my surprise when I found out that her psoas muscles, which are crucial to running and jumping, were completely turned off! After Dr. Brown’s treatment, we saw an immediate improvement at practice that afternoon and even more so in the following weeks! I have continued to bring her to see Dr. Brown regularly over the last six months, and each time we learn something new. And what’s even more exciting is to see how it has affected my daughter’s confidence and competitive performance!”
Ready, set, go!
If you or your child are ready to come back after injury or simply compete at peak performance, contact the office at 972-789-9269 to schedule your Applied Kiniesiology appointment today!
David Brown, DC, DIBAK